A New Beginning
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to my new food blog Honeycomb. You may be following mine and my Nia's food adventures in To Boston and Bake Again or kept up with my food travels in London through Tuck In, but this summer I am ready to start afresh with a blog of my sole authorship, featuring my kitchen escapades and restaurant experimentation. It will definitely have a natural foods vibe with a good mix of both sweet and savory and will exhibit as much wonderful local ingredients that I can get my hands on. Never fear, I'll be shipping everything from here to my old blog to keep that going but now, as the prospects of applying for real jobs and showing employers my writing samples approaches, I need a blog that I can truly call my own. This summer has already provided me with ample cooking opportunities and I can't wait to share with you what I have done recently as well as the recipes currently meandering on my "to cook" list. As always, I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it and I hope to inspire at least someone to get in the kitchen and enjoy some delicious, healthy food.
P.S. Why Honeycomb? Well I love honey, of course, and actually grew up with hives of bees in my backyard and summers filled with long days of extracting honey. Its a highly reminiscent and comforting ingredient for me. And like honey, my blog will contain food and recipes that are natural, versatile, and although simple on the outside, carry powerful flavor and complexity.
Welcome to my new food blog Honeycomb. You may be following mine and my Nia's food adventures in To Boston and Bake Again or kept up with my food travels in London through Tuck In, but this summer I am ready to start afresh with a blog of my sole authorship, featuring my kitchen escapades and restaurant experimentation. It will definitely have a natural foods vibe with a good mix of both sweet and savory and will exhibit as much wonderful local ingredients that I can get my hands on. Never fear, I'll be shipping everything from here to my old blog to keep that going but now, as the prospects of applying for real jobs and showing employers my writing samples approaches, I need a blog that I can truly call my own. This summer has already provided me with ample cooking opportunities and I can't wait to share with you what I have done recently as well as the recipes currently meandering on my "to cook" list. As always, I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it and I hope to inspire at least someone to get in the kitchen and enjoy some delicious, healthy food.
P.S. Why Honeycomb? Well I love honey, of course, and actually grew up with hives of bees in my backyard and summers filled with long days of extracting honey. Its a highly reminiscent and comforting ingredient for me. And like honey, my blog will contain food and recipes that are natural, versatile, and although simple on the outside, carry powerful flavor and complexity.