2016 In Review

Here we are, the end is nigh! 2016 is about to come to a close. I know that it has become a popular thing to talk about how terrible this year was. And I agree with that assessment in certain respects *cough…the election…cough* but when I take a step back and examine all that happened, it’s hard to call it a bad year. It went by wicked fast but I think it’s because I had so many fun plans.

I mean, it started with a trip to Seattle where I fell madly in love with the city (and missed a major snowstorm in the process). I ate the best doughnuts of my life, and sipped on cocktails all day when I wasn’t cozied up next to a fire with a massive cup of coffee. It won’t be the last time I’m there.

The spring through summer doldrums were filled with cinnamon bun cruffins, chocolate waffles, bonnie butter cake and shaken iced coffees.

Then I spent a good part of July at the beach. Tan lines were on point this year.

Shortly after I went to Denver, another magical land full of mountains, red rocks, green grasses, voodoo doll shaped doughnuts and speed cameras that make you look like thugs. I went to Austin 3 days after and ate more voodoo doll shaped doughnuts. Classic.

October came and MY SISTER GOT MARRIED! So yeah, that’s big.

And I spent the remainder of October hanging out at various theme parks and chillin with my awesome softball team and Anthony Bourdain.

And let’s not forget those 26 miles I ran in November that I spent 18 weeks preparing for.

I finished out the year with experimantal pink hair, Christmas festivities and a nice long trip to Boston and now here we are, 36 hours from the finish line. So yeah, although there were definite aspects of 2016 that made me feel like this…

…all things considered, it wasn’t so bad after all.

Happy New Year everyone and wishing you an amazing 2017!